Winter is just around the corner, and that means that the car for winter should be prepared for the cold period of the operation. Climate different from the European, and a simple change of tires cannot do. Here are some tips on how to best prepare your car to the frost.
How to prepare your car for winter: Wiper
Visibility depends on winter driving and safety. Features climate (hot summers, cold winters) contribute to the rapid deterioration of rubber parts “janitors.”

In summer, they crack in the winter. Besides asphalt winter sprinkled quite aggressive means that from under the wheels of car for winter traveling ahead hit the windshield and significantly accelerate the wear of the wiper blades.
How to prepare your car for winter: Liquids should not freeze
List of liquid to be checked prior to the onset of cold weather, engine oil, transmission fluid in the cooling system and the fluid in the washer tank glass. As practice shows, the winter is best proven synthetic oils. A liquid cooling system and washer must conform to the season, and have sufficient “margin of safety” to night frosts are not presented with an unpleasant surprise.
How to prepare your car for winter: Tidy wires and candles
From the quality of their work is not only stable operation of the engine, but the fuel consumption. Take the time for this call in the next hundred and ask to check the integrity of the wires and spark in the candlelight.

How to prepare your car for winter: Check the filters
The new filter will help the engine to avoid excessive condensation due to temperature changes and protects the engine from dust. The water in the engine may cause water hammer, and subsequently lead to the need for repair of the engine, and the dust capable of causing mechanical damage to the walls of the cylinders, which will cause rough engine operation and the formation of excessive amounts of exhaust gases.
How to prepare your car for winter: Watch for fuel
Try to keep the fuel tank has been filled as often as possible. Thus, on its walls, and will not accumulate condensate freezes and crystals formed will not get into the fuel system. The result may be a failed fuel pump or injector, where the water gets under high pressure.
How to prepare your car for winter: Check the battery
During cold weather the battery is subjected to heavy loads. Subzero temperatures can shorten the time it works, and sometimes does incapacitate. Before the onset of cold enough to produce simple prevention: to check the purity of the terminal, tighten the fastening tightly, check the open circuit voltage (normal rate – 12,5-12,9 B). Also not recommended for long periods include consumers of energy at idle and, especially, with the engine off.
How to prepare your car for winter: Change to winter tires
Winter tires – not so much a question of expediency, how much security as they are softer and more elastic summer, thus ensuring a good grip even in sub-zero temperatures.

If you plan to travel abroad on holiday by car for winter, keep in mind that in Europe, for the lack of seasonal tires you may be fined, or even “wrap” another departure from Europe.
How to prepare your car for winter: 7 Tips