By and large, the ability to own a car to follow the turns are no longer anything special. However, Porsche announced that teach the electronic assistant to select the optimum speed for cornering, and besides of a good drive, achieve thereby also saving fuel.
The idea of Porsche engineers is quite simple: to teach the system adaptive cruise control to work in conjunction with navigation. From the navigation system electronics will receive information about the type of road surface and the turning radius, and, based on these data and the ability of the car, select the optimum speed for cornering. The driver will only have to steer.
System InnoDrive, which according to the publication Car & Driver is now developing in the Porsche, the driver is able to provide the opportunity to feel the lateral acceleration up to 0,5-0,7 g. Developers have called his system “the most emotional cruise control in the world.”
In addition, it is argued that by choosing the optimal speed in the turns and reduce the amount of traditional slowdowns in front of them the system is able to reduce the average time on the way Route 2%, providing, in addition, and 10 percent fuel savings.
The system is currently InnoDrive passes road tests at the site in the town of Porsche Weissach, near Stuttgart that.
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